Philip Beaven
Philip began his career as a eurythmist completing his training in London in 1979. He worked as a eurythmy and pottery teacher at Michael Hall School, the first Waldorf school in the UK, for 4 years before co-founding Ashdown Eurythmy, a touring eurythmy company. He worked in performing arts, first eurythmy, then later puppetry, storytelling, acting and directing, for 26 years gaining his Master of Arts in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Central School of Speech and Drama, London in 2001. In 2009 he changed his profession and became a class teacher at Michael Hall School where his five children were educated. In this time he was also an Upper School drama teacher, and play director, as well as carrying mandates and spending one year in the management group of the school. On completing eight years as a class teacher he took up work firstly as a eurythmy teacher again, in Donguan, and then as a Class Teacher at the Island Waldorf School in Hong Kong in 2018. Since 2012 he has also been the director of part time teacher training courses in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Qingdao.
Toni Evans
Teacher, Mentor
Toni was originally from Cape Town, South Africa.
- Partial Bachelor of Education degree at University of Western Cape, incomplete due to political situation in the country, ’82-’84
- Owner and manager of two car hire businesses, ’95-‘07
- Bachelor of Education at Centre For Creative Education, ‘08-‘11
- Class Teacher for Class 1 to 7, then 1 and 2, at a Waldorf school situated on a vineyard near Cape Town; also served on College of Teachers as chairperson and teacher trustee on the Board of Trustees, ’12-‘21
- With IWS since ’22
Martin Schmandt
Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Mentor, Artist
2002-2019 Class Teacher at Michael Hall Steiner School, UK
2013-2020 Teacher Trainer and Mentor in Waldorf Schools in the UK and China
1998-2002 Teacher in Adult Education (Drama, Art)
1991-94 Class Teacher at Live Oak Waldorf School, California
1984-1988 Instructor in Art, Washington University in St Louis
Master of Arts in Creative Writing, distinction, Sussex University, 2001
Diploma, Artemis School of Speech and Drama, London 1998
Certificate in Waldorf Education, Rudolf Steiner College, California, 1991
Master of Fine Arts in Painting, (Temple Fellow) Tyler School of Art of Temple University, Philadelphia, 1984
Bachelor of Fine Arts, summa cum laude, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, 1982